Relations between self-esteem dimensions and fundamental social motives

  • Monika A. Kozłowska University of Wrocław, Institute of Psychology
Keywords: fundamental social motives, self-esteem level, self-esteem instability


The article presents the concept of fundamental social motives, which is novel for Polish readers, and its relations with self-esteem. The studies conducted so far suggest that there may be significant correlations between various dimensions of self-esteem and fundamental motives focused on interpersonal relations (affiliation motives and mate acquisition/retention motives). Data was collected from a sample of N = 363 subjects in order to find predictors for the level and stability of self-esteem. The results include correlations between 11 scales measuring fundamental motives and self-esteem dimensions: its level and instability. Multiple regression analyses with self-esteem measures as explained variables and motives related to sociometer theory as explanatory variables were also conducted. The article presents a detailed discussion of regression analysis results for male and female samples. Limitations and future research directions are also discussed.


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