Career Transition of Non-European Graduates from European High Education Institutions: Implications for Career Practice

  • Erik Zeltner
Keywords: career service, international student mobility, study to work, acculturation


Based on several case studies of career services for international students and the transitional experience of non-European graduates from study to work, I provide an integrated analysis of transcripts of semi-structured interviews conducted with career representatives and non-European graduates from German, UK and Dutch universities. I discuss the implications for career practice in light of individual perspectives of non-European graduates, higher education career services and other related institutions. The article reveals factors for career planning and development considering cultural gaps ranging from language issues to differences in the higher education system or recruitment procedures as well as a lack of career provision for international students. It illustrates how career services have reacted to these issues by creating new strategies, including the job role of a career specialist for international students, and suggests new directions for further research and the career development of non-European graduates with regard to participating universities and from a broader institutional perspective.


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